In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic around the world, OC has suspended all activities for the remainder of the semester out of concerns for the health and safety of our members and communities we serve. During this time of crisis, let us stand with one another and not forget the core of our mission, to aid those in need and use the liberties we have to help those that are less fortunate. We stand with the Taiwan community and the organizations around the world we support, and we hope that our operations will continue once the virus dies down. Thank you all for your support throughout these challenging times. We would also like to take this chance to apologize for the lack of OC representation in the digital world throughout the past few months. As we progress forward in this time of crisis, we will be increasingly using media and technology to spread love, kindness, gratitude, and appreciation to those around the world, meaning that we will be more frequently updating OC media on all platforms. We look forward to continue our mission with your support in the near future.
Orphanage Club