Fundraising for the People of Orchid Island
Orchid Island, known to their mostly indigenous population of over 4000 people as Pongso no Tao, was recently devastated by Typhoon Koinu. Help residents of Orchid Island resume their lives and preserve their indigenous culture. Orphanage club appreciates your support at our fundraising event beginning on October 19th. All proceeds from the club’s activities at the PTA Fall Family Festival on October 21st will go to Orchid Island.
Let’s show our Tiger Spirit!
小犬颱風17級強風橫掃蘭嶼災情慘重。扶幼社(Orphanage Club) 將會在周四10/19 日發起募款活動,匯集愛心協助蘭嶼重建。除了10/19 的募款活動外,扶幼社在周六10/21 PTA 所舉辦的美食節園游會也會有義賣活動。募款和義賣的所得都會匯到台東縣社會處所設立「小犬颱風災害救助專款專戶」。請各位共襄盛舉。